After two adventurous jungle adventures at Bako and Mulu National parks, it was time for a change of scenery: the river. After a brief...
Kuching is on the southwest coast of Sarawak, one of two Malaysian states on the Island of Borneo. The island of Borneo is subdivided...
SIEM REAP! Pt. 2 Temples and Other Fun!
As promised, Part 2 of our Siem Reap post. This post is directed toward the fellow photographers out there, as it is jam-packed with my...
SIEM REAP! Pt 1:A Wise Guys Snide Guide to Decide If You Need a Guide
Editor's note: Sorry for the delay, people! Zero to poor wifi access in addition to shear laziness is to blame for the month-long...
The first stop of our trip was Bangkok, Thailand—a decision made for two reasons: 1) Price ($325 each), and 2) I really wanted to go to...
Who Are the Boothangs? Where Will They Do Thangs?
What’s up folks? We’re Stacey and Egon, and this is our travel blog. We anticipate that most readers will be people that we know from...